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All-On-X Special offer Pricing

Limited Time Special

As Low as $10,000 USD First Visit



1st Visit

Only $10,000 usd per arch

  • Full comprehensive evaluation and treatment planning 

  • 3D CT Scan.

  • Full set of digital X-Rays W/ Full Mouth Panoramic 

  • Digital face scan. 

  • Digital intraoral scan. 

  • All dental extractions [excluding wisdom teeth]. 

  • 4 Titanium Dental implants. 

  • Temporary immediate denture prosthesis.

  • Local anesthetic.

  • Oral Sedation 

2nd Visit 

Only $2,000 usd per arch


  • Installation of 4 Multi Unit Titanium Abutments. 

  • Digital Impressions of the Implants 

  • Digital Design of Prosthesis prototype 

  • Fitting for permanent prosthesis prototype 

FInal Visit

Only $500 usd per arch

  • Permanent Hybrid Acrylic Screw-Retained Prosthesis Installation

  • Your Permanent Smile is now Complete!


Starting at $12,500 usd


Starting at $25,000 usd

Pay only for the visit you are attending.  Pay as you go helps break up the cost into easier payments as you get each phase completed.


Nous vous proposons de faire des aménagements pour rester jusqu'à4jours et si vous subissez une sédation intraveineuse, nous vous recommandons d'amener un compagnon.

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Bouche pleineVidéos de restauration d'implants

Changez votre vie avecla bonne procédure d'implant dentaire.

Obtenez des témoignages de première main directement de nos patients.



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All On 6 Dental Implants Top & Bottom - Perfect Smile Implant Center - Tijuana, Mexico

All On 6 Dental Implants Top & Bottom - Perfect Smile Implant Center - Tijuana, Mexico

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All On 6 Dental Implants Top & Bottom - Perfect Smile Implant Center - Tijuana, Mexico

All On 6 Dental Implants Top & Bottom - Perfect Smile Implant Center - Tijuana, Mexico

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All On 6 Dental Implants Top & Bottom - Perfect Smile Implant Center - Tijuana, Mexico

All On 6 Dental Implants Top & Bottom - Perfect Smile Implant Center - Tijuana, Mexico

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All On 6 Dental Implants Top & Bottom - Perfect Smile Implant Center - Tijuana, Mexico

All On 6 Dental Implants Top & Bottom - Perfect Smile Implant Center - Tijuana, Mexico

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